Below is a shot of my precious green bell peppers and marconi peppers! I just got done crunching away at the bell pepper. I love raw pepper. It's almost like a chip for me. YUMMO and healthy!
Speaking of "healthy".. Katie turned me on to sauteed carrots. They are delightful. All you do is put olive oil in a pan, add sliced carrots, then cook then on medium heat. Add salt and pepper. They are good.
Below is Colby and I at Outback.
Love love love.
We always get the Outback Special Steak.

You get a 6 oz. steak and two sides (I always get salad and sauteed brocolli with a side of cheese sauce) for $9.99. I'm sorry but that is a D-E-A-L if I ever saw one, and it's yummo! There are two options on how you can get your steak cooked--wood fired or the original pan seared with normal seasoning. I do the pan seared and Colby does the wood fired. Both are good, but I love the original way (it's the best).
Last Saturday was the annual Iowa vs. Iowa State football game! I root for ISU because I grew up thirty minutes from Ames and had a sister go there.. We went over to my cousin Chris' and had some good food and fellowship. Here's a picture of me, Ashly (colby's sister) and Colby.
Iowa State won!!! Colby's "team" didn't.. So sorry, CA.
The other night, Colby and I had to run some errands, so I took my mom's car because my car has been on the fritz. So, I took the white Camry and off we were. As we were about 5 minutes from my house, this girl pulled right out in front of me---she was supposed to be stopped at the stop sign that was in front of her--causing me to t-bone her--and screw up my mom's car. UFF DA! However, the girls insurance is taking care of it, so I am just happy my mom's insurance isn't going to take a ding! Here is a picture of the car:
Hope everyone's Tuesdays are peachy and filled with love, sunshine, kisses and something to eat that includes apples!
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