I was recently inspired by a blog to get my muscles into shape. I hate using the word "lifting" because immediately I think of those nasty, too-tanned woMEN with small heads who flex all the time! ICKYYY!!! The image is something like this...
this is what I mean by woMAN! |
I really like "fit-looking" bodies...not that J-LO and Kim K don't look fab...but I don't really find myself wishing I was more curvacious (All the male readers are now finding their way to the tiny X at the top right of the screen and cursing me as they do so! lol). I recently shed 15 pounds through a healthier diet...but I still found myself missing some sort of workout regimen. So, for the last couple of weeks I go down to our dungeon (aka basement) to lift weights and do resistance exercises! I am not here to tell you I am seeing the fruits of my labor already...but I do feel GREAT!! I feel stronger and healthier! Oh, and those things called abs- that I once had before three babies- are coming back...no lie! Ok, enough with the pep talk...I am leaving you with my motivation picture. *Note...Don't worry...I am a realist! HE HAW!!!
She just looks fab!! Feminine and Fit! |
If you want to read more of her blog...you can go
Hope you are enjoying your week as much as me! I am just LOVE, LOVE, LOVING the Olympics!
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