For reals- we had a great weekend lounging with family and dominating some black raspberries with my parents' neighbor boys plus LBK (aka my nephew, Landon).
Pretty sure we were both laughing so hard we could have (or maybe did) pee our pants. At least we ended up with some delicious Black Raspberry Turnovers! something worth reading. I purchased this shirt at Goodwill awhile back and wore it last week! I almost forgot to share it...good thing I creep back through my I-phone photos every now and then! It was $2 something and worth every penny! It is one of those shirts that makes you look nice even if you haven't showered or washed your hair in a week or so (no lie and gross). These pictures aren't great (especially because the colors are so pretty in the shirt) but I can't expect the world when Sara took at least one of these photos on "the pot." Does anyone else refer to the toilet in such a manor? Also...who is that handsome little man I'm holding? bias.
Again...can't apologize enough for the cheesy pics...but aren't you glad I am saving huge amounts of time by not always having a perfect picture!? Well, I am. Much love to you all. Have a good week. I know I will because Hubs gets home tomorrow! YAY!!
Word to your mother.
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