Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I haven't blogged in awhile but Happy Wednesday to you all!  This weekend was pretty busy with some fun events.. Here's a glimpse through iPhone pics.

Here's Katie and I at the Art Festival downtown.  A bunch of our friends went down for a fun filled night! Katie's shirt is thrifted and mine is old. 

Here's my babe and I at the Arts Festival, too. His shirt is thrifted from my local Sal Army! We went on Saturday to look around. He really wanted a chambrai shirt (J Crew has one for like $100!) so we found this one and I think it looks uber handsome on him.

In other news, Colby just got out of surgery! He ended up having to have surgery. I just talked to him and he sounds pretty good. His mom took this photo for me since I had to work.

Another thing I am starting to do is put together puzzles. My friend Kelly bought a bunch at a garage sale. They are fun. I stayed up too late on Monday night and am STILL dragging from it.

Here's a cute pic of two of my nieces and one of my nephews. They are too cute for words and just a blast to hang out with.

I love this quote.  Lately, I have been trying to become really aware of this with my job and relationships.  I have just really tried to focus on all of my life's blessings and not be stressed out about (1) how much I am making, (2) what my future is "supposed" to look like, (3) home ownership possibilities, and (4) an endless list of other things. I've also been trying to say outloud each morning 5 things I am thankful for. It helps your mind and spirit, in my opinion.


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