Monday, July 23, 2012

Pepper Plants and a New Shirt

IT'S MONDAY, MONDAY, MONDAY! And its not too bad around these parts. Anxious to be done, but the time is quickly passing!

About three weeks ago I planted pepper plants in pots. I put six plants per pot, which is probably WAY too much,  but I am just gonna go with it and see what the plants produce. I got all my plants for $2, which is a STEAL, if you ask any expert gardner:) 
Here's a picture of Pepper Plaints-Day 1:
They were tiny tiny tiny.

Here's a picture from yesterday.. You will see a bell pepper starting to grow!

They are a lot taller than the other picture and they are a lot more bushy! I might have to dig them up and transplant them elsewhere, but for now, I am keeping them here. Every week, I put some Miracle Grow on them, and I think that is helping. I love stir-fry and green bell peppers are my favorite ingredient. I could eat them all day long. Love them. I also panted a yellow pepper plant, red pepper plants and some other red/green oblong looking peppers.. can't recall the name. I will keep ya'll updated on how they are coming along!

Next up, is a new shirt I picked up at Salvation Army for $0.60 on Friday.  It was bloody hot and we were going to the horse races, so I needed a breezy shirt! Colby said you could see my bra through it.. OOOPS, I wasn't meaning to skank out at the horse races! Here's some pictures for ya:

This is Colby and I at the races. I don't know the brand of my shirt but the belt was also from Salvation Army ($0.50)! It's a little too big, but I don't mind belts that are too big. 

Speaking of belts: Here is another belt I picked up for $0.50 at Sal Army. Yes, I am laying on top of my sister, and it looks like we are lovers. FYI, we aren't lovers, just kindred souls! I was actually shocked Allie let me straddle her! HEHA.
It's got all these different color swatches on it, and its a light brown leather belt.  I love it.

Hope everyone has had a great week!! I need words of inspiration... here they are (thank you Pinterest) and, oh how true they are (I'd add something about thanking and living for our Maker, too):

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